Revelation Records


Youth Of Today "We're Not In This Alone"


PLEASE NOTE: There is a 1-per customer qty. limit on the RevHQ Exclusive version of this release.

In 1988, Youth Of Today recorded their classic second LP, "We're Not In This Alone." The songs were born from the band's dedication to straight edge, positive living, and the strength of both the individual and of a generation. Full of energy and inspiration, this record was an essential step in the development of hardcore. Now available again on colored vinyl, re-cut from the original masters at 45 RPM for premium sound quality.

330 Red And White Merge (RevHQ Exclusive)
1,400 Custard

Track Listing:

1. Flame Still Burns
2. Slow Down
3. Choose To Be
4. Put It Aside
5. Wake Up And Live
6. No More
7. What Goes Around
8. Potential Friends
9. A Time We'll Remember
10. Live Free
11. Understand
12. Prejudice
13. Keep It Up
14. Disengage (CD only bonus track)
15. Modern Love Story (CD only bonus track)
16. Envy (CD only bonus track)