No For An Answer "You Laugh" - Revelation Records #6

No For An Answer
You Laugh : 7"
Test press : black vinyl
1st press : 972 black vinyl
: 1031 black vinyl
White labels, cover opens at the top. The two sets were
pressed about a week apart so technically they are two
different presses, but are in every way identical to one
another so I'm just going to group them together. The
first press came with both a lyric sheet as well as extra
insert that has a photo of Dan's "Poison Free" tattoo.
Test press : 8 black vinyl
A different pressing plant.
2nd press : 2000 black vinyl
Silver labels, cover opens at the bottom. A number were
given to the band but without sleeves. 200 had sleeves
made with the NFAA "I Spy" logo. With some copies left,
another 3 dozen were made with a live photo sleeve. With
still more left over, there were also copies floating
around with no covers at all.
3rd press : 2000 black vinyl
Grey labels, cover opens at the top. Sleeve printed on
inside w/ picture and lyrics.
No For An Answer
You Laugh : 7"
Test press : 4 black vinyl
1st press : 1000 black vinyl
The entire first press of the reissue had the labels
2nd press+ : black vinyl
Labels on correct side
2014 press : 548 opaque yellow vinyl
550 opaque grey vinyl
2021 press : 600 opaque red